Sunday, October 21, 2018

New Begginings

Well, it has been a while and life has been a bit hectic with moving and setting up my new house, but I am back! And I am excited about all of the new things going on! Among other things I am starting a YouTube channel!
What started out as a "Maybe I can do this..." 6 years ago has become a reality! I have always loved to bake and some of my best memories are in the kitchen with my family and friends. When I started doing what I love as a business, I made my share of mistakes. And I still am! But that is how I learn, by trial and error and success! I used to work in a cake supply store where I could share what I had been learning, and I loved it! Everyone used to ask me if I would start a YouTube channel with all of my random bits of knowledge, so here goes! For better or for worse this is me and my adventures in baking! So I hope you learn from this channel, or at least get some laughs out of it!
Check me out on YouTube as Bite Me Delectables. I will be posting my first video sometime next week!
Here is to new adventures with old friends!